Wednesday, 30 July 2008

some times i get all homesick for the stars.
up here, in the northern hempisphere, it seems like there's five.
at home there's no way you could count, there's just way too many of them.
ive always had really cool memories of getting out of the car at nite with my mum and dad and looking at the milky way. i always wanted to stay outside until i really couldnt look up any more.
the pictures dont really do it any justice,
but they were the best google could find me.

i washed my hair today, and i had it out while it was drying.
i think it's great when you see yourself everyday,
but when you change one thing or activity you realise somethings different.
like, i had really no idea how long my hair's got.
it's just past my shoulders.
but i'll never wear it out,
that would be too weird.

on other things;
it's super great but really not.
it wouldnt be worth it to ruin everything.


Emma said...

i can't wait to see you either. we'll be under the stars in no time!

i'm feeling this now said...

aw emmy-poos, you really miss me that much?
so, touching!
man im hanging for those stars and booze and youse guys!!!